cyber security
26 Jan

Cybersecurity for mobile ticketing


Cybersecurity for mobile ticketing solutions is of growing concern for Transit Agencies as the Pandemic has increased the use of contactless payments. Many high-profile attacks and breaches have reported a loss in millions. Transportation agencies have already been affected by the breach, but the right measures can be taken relative to customer education, service process rigor, payments technology, and fraud preventive and detective controls to mitigate the security risks.

Securing a rider’s payment and purchases are essential to earning their trust and vital to the bottom line of your transit agency. Have you evaluated the security protocols implemented by the various mobile ticketing and hardware validators in the market?

ZED Digital has implemented a 3-step security protocol to overcome potential vulnerabilities in our validator hardware, mobile application, and backend server designed to protect your data, networks, and systems.

These security protocols are essential to overcome potential vulnerabilities that may impact your data, networks, and systems. Ensure your solution addresses the OWASP’s top 10 security breaches.

Our mobile app development follows the six principles to help secure your data based on application security experts’ recommendations:

1. Design security into the mobile app
2. Test each iteration of the product
3. Encrypt data stored on the device
4. Identify and actively manage third-party libraries
5. Minimize the attack surface area
6. Obfuscate the code


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